As if I did not have enough to do, I have decided to start selling some of these lovely fabrics that I order through various american fabric companies. I know some people have a shoe fetish, or a handbag fetish, well I have a fabric fetish. I would order a lot more, if I thought I could sell them in the form of a dress, but after doing this for 14+ years, I know what I can and can’t add to my website. Florals, bright colors, vintage groups……..those are all fabrics that I can sell over and over again.
Throughout the years, I have been asked whether I sell patterns and fabrics. It is a great idea, but I just could not find the time to do it all. So thanks to technology and help I get from my friends, I decided now was as good of a time as any to start offering fabrics that were being requested by customers.

These fabrics are no longer available, and hard to get, and guess what? I have more than enough, so we will begin selling these today.

Happy Haunting from Henry Glass Co. – 100% Cotton Fabric – $9.95 a yard.