Welcome to our new Kinder Kouture WordPress/Showit Blog!
I am beyond excited to dive back into a blog that is fun and pretty and full of gorgeous pictures again. It has been four years since I had to delete my entire hosted blog from 2006 after being hacked. My hosting company worked hard, but they left their signature in most of my files, so everything had to be deleted. Yes, I did cry.
This time I did a little research. I wanted a beautiful blog without paying an enormous price, and of course i found a site called TONIC…….absolutely gorgeous………..absolutely expensive. Nothing I could afford, but it did lead me to SHOWIT. I spent two weeks learning all the ins and outs, and finally put something together that I really love.

The colors just inspire me to post and take more pictures. I love the soft pastel muted tones. By the way, in case you were wondering, this is the next batch of fabrics I will be working on. Aren’t they lovely? So romantic and vintage.

So head on over to our BLOG and check it out. Need some advice then just leave a comment, and I will get back to you.